The Routing Number Chase Bank: List By State Guide (2024)
Do you want to know theRouting Number Chase Bank? If you have a bank account, you’ve probably heard of routing numbers.
You’re now trying to figure out their role in the banking process. But, first, you must have access to your bank account to supply not only your bank routing number but also your account number.
Because your routing number is unlikely to be used frequently enough to memorize or keep on hand, knowing how to find it can be helpful.
In this article, you’ll learn how to locate the correct routing number for your Chase bank account.
What is a routing number?
What is the routing number for Chase Bank? The state determines it. Chase bank, aka JPMorgan Chase & Co., routing numbers vary according to where you opened your account. In addition, it will depend on whether you are transferring money via ACH or wire transfer.
A routing number is a 9-digit code used by Chase Bank and other banks to assist financial organizations in locating your account.
The number, known as ACH, wire transfer, and SWIFT numbers, is used to process checks-related transactions, make online payments, set up autopay, and transfer money in the United States and worldwide.
Additionally, routing numbers are required by Federal Reserve Banks to perform Fedwire funds transactions. The ACH network also requires them to handle electronic transfers such as direct deposits and bill payments. The routing number needed to send or receive funds through Chase Bank is determined by whether the payment or transfer is domestic or international.
Chase routing numbers can be used for
- ACH payments route number
- Chase checking and savings account routing number
- Routing number for wire transfers
State-By-State List Routing Number Chase Bank

Your Chase routing number is linked to the branch location where you created your account. Even if you have moved or mainly visited another Chase branch, the bank where you first opened your account is relevant.
State | Chase Bank Routing Number |
Alabama | 065400137 |
Arizona | 122100024 |
Arkansas | 044000037 |
California | 322271627 |
Colorado | 102001017 |
Connecticut | 021100361 |
Delaware | 083000137 |
Florida | 267084131 |
Georgia | 061092387 |
Idaho | 325070760 |
Illinois | 071000013 |
Indiana | 074000010 |
Iowa | 075000019 |
Kansas | 103000648 |
Kentucky | 083000137 |
Louisiana | 065400137 |
Maine | 083000137 |
Maryland | 044000037 |
Massachusetts | 021000021 |
Michigan | 072000326 |
Minnesota | 075000019 |
Mississippi | 044000037 |
Missouri | 103000648 |
Montana | 044000037 |
Nebraska | 103000648 |
Nevada | 322271627 |
New Hampshire | 083000137 |
New Jersey | 021202337 |
New Mexico | 044000037 |
New York – Downstate | 021000021 |
New York – Upstate | 022300173 |
North Carolina | 072000326 |
North Dakota | 044000037 |
Ohio | 044000037 |
Oklahoma | 103000648 |
Oregon | 325070760 |
Pennsylvania | 083000137 |
Rhode Island | 083000137 |
South Carolina | 072000326 |
South Dakota | 044000037 |
Tennessee | 065400137 |
Texas | 111000614 |
Utah | 124001545 |
Vermont | 083000137 |
Virginia | 044000037 |
Washington | 325070760 |
Washington, DC | 044000037 |
West Virginia | 051900366 |
Wisconsin | 075000019 |
Wyoming | 044000037 |
Chase Routing Numbers for Ach Transfers
Any ACH transfers will require your routing number. This is a type of electronic money transfer between financial institutions. ACH transfers are used for a variety of routine banking transactions, including
- Direct deposit receipt
- Making automated bill payments
- Money transfers between accounts at different banks
- Money transfers to and from investment enterprises
- Receiving government perks, such as tax rebates
Use the routing number given for the particular state where you opened your Chase account for ACH transfers.
Chase Routing Numbers for Wire Transfers

Chase employs different routing numbers for wire transfers.
Domestic Wire Transfers
You must supply the sender with your bank account details to receive funds via wire transfer. For example, Chase’s wire route number is 021000021.
But note – this is not the same as the routing number on the bottom of your checks.
You can also use the Federal Reserve routing directory to look up routing information.
International Wire Transfers
Use the SWIFT code CHASUS33 from Chase: SWIFT codes are the worldwide equivalents of routing numbers used in the United States. For international transfers, they route the funds to the appropriate bank.
What is a routing number?
This 9-digit number, also known as a routing transit number (RTN) or an American Bankers Association (ABA) number, is essentially an ID for the financial institution provided by the ABA.
When you deposit a check or send money to another bank account, the routing number tells the bank where the money should be sent. Large banks like Chase will have several routing numbers for each area and task.
Where can I locate my routing number?
If you can’t find your check routing number, you need not worry. We’re here to assist you – just follow these steps.
On the check
If you receive paper checks with your checking account, this is one of the first places to look for your bank routing number. Your account and routing numbers are at the bottom of each of your checks, as seen below.
How do I find my routing number if I don’t have a check?
Is there no check? Not a problem! There are a few alternatives to performing a physical check to find your routing number.
When you sign in to your account, your routing number will be shown next to your account name.
Contacting your bank
A bank teller should be able to offer your routing number in person, over the phone, or at the drive-through window.
What is the difference between a bank routing number and an account number?
Transfers to and from other bank accounts typically require your routing and account numbers. In short, they facilitate the transfer of funds from one bank to another by establishing a link between your bank and an outside bank.
Your bank routing and account numbers are required to verify that funds are deposited or withdrawn from the correct account. Routing numbers, in simple terms, show which bank your account is held at, whereas account numbers are your unique identity at that bank.
Each account that you hold has an account number. So, for example, if you have a checking and a savings account at the same bank, they will have different account numbers but the same routing number. Because your account number gives you access to the funds in your account, you should keep it safe.
Does your debit or credit card have a routing number?
Although your debit card is linked to a bank account, debit card transactions do not require a routing number. Routing numbers are only used for direct transactions between bank accounts.
Similarly, credit cards lack routing numbers because they are not directly linked to any bank account. When paying your credit card online, you may need to enter your bank account routing number to establish the link between your credit card account and checking account, just as you would for any other bill.
When will I require my check routing number?
You’ll need your routing number in a few places, including:
- Establishing direct deposit with your employer
- Receiving your tax refund, stimulus check, or government perks by direct deposit
- Sending or receiving a wire transfer within the United States
- Online bill payments
Electronic payment and receipt via mobile apps
If you want to conduct a domestic bank-to-bank wire transfer, for example, you’ll often need to supply the recipient’s full name, contact information, and bank account details such as routing and transfer numbers. Things may become more problematic if you do not know your routing number.
You’re well on completing your transactions now that you know how to access and use your routing number.
Can Chase Bank routing numbers change?
Yes. The size of the bank, as well as the number of states it serves, may be assigned multiple routing numbers. In addition, although Chase Bank is headquartered in New York, services or branches in states other than New York may necessitate a different routing number. If you’re unsure, check with a Chase Bank representative.
You’ll most likely require your Chase routing number when managing your finances. Keep it close to hand if you need to set up a direct deposit, automatic payment, or wire transfer. They assist banks with identifying your specific account to make digital payments, transfer money, and even process physical checks across branches, states, and nations. Have fun banking!