7 Rarest Animals from Around The World
Are you looking to know the Rarest Animals from Around The World?
According to books.google.co.uk, the estimated number of animals in the world ranges between 10 and 14 million species. Unfortunately, many animals we probably have never heard about are rare. Some have become so rare that we doubt they could still exist on the earth’s surface.
These animals don’t just become so rare but because they are being depleted, damaged, and destroyed by the human race. So, in this blog post, you will gain insight and enlightenment on the top 7 Rare animals worldwide.
7 Rarest Animals From Around The World
In the sections below, you’ll explore the highlighted list of the top 7 rarest animals from around the world in 204. Kindly delve in right away:
1 Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis)

The animal found in the picture here currently has an unknown estimation. It is one of the 7 Rare animals from around the world.
It is known as a large forest-dwelling bovine that can be found only in the Annamite Range of Laos and Vietnam. It is so rare that science discovered it only in 1992.
2. Lli Pika (Ochotona iliensis)
Unlike Saola, the Lli Pika (Ochotona iliensis) species has an estimated wild population of 1,000 across the globe. It is one of the rarest animals in the world.
The Lil Pika is a small animal that belongs to the family of Ochotonidae. It’s mostly found in northwest China and was discovered in 1983. Unfortunately, the Ili pika is endangered, and its population is rapidly declining. Between now and 2050, there is a doubt that the remaining will survive.
3. Tapanuli Orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis)

This is yet another animal species that can rarely be found anywhere in the world.
As of the time this article was written, there are 800 Tapanuli (Orangutan Pongo tapanuliensis).
This figure shows it is rare to find it in the world.
Tapanuli orangutans live most often in central Sumatra, and they are known to be an ape species that you rarely find.
4. Cuban Greater Funnel-eared Bat (Natalus primus)
The Cuban Greater Funnel-eared Bat, which is scientifically known as Natalus primus, is absolutely one of the 7 rarest animals in the world.
Today, the Cuban Great Funnelbat has an estimated population of just 750 individuals.
These 750 (the entire popular) Cuban greater funnel-eared Bats are confined to a single cave, which can be found in Cueva de la Barca in the western part of Cuba.
According to a report, efforts are being made to protect the remaining critically endangered species by conservationists.
5. Javan Rhinoceros

There are only about 60 Javan Rhinos left in the world.
They live on the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia.
These rhinos have gray skin and only one horn.
People have hunted them a lot, which is why there are so few left.
They also don’t have much space because people keep using the land.
6. Vaquita ( Phocoena sinus)

The vaquita is the world’s smallest dolphin.
It has a gorgeous face with black circles around its eyes and lips that make it look like it’s smiling.
Sadly, there are only about 10 vaquitas left.
They live in the Gulf of California in Mexico.
They often get accidentally caught in fishing nets, which is why they are disappearing, and we rarely find them today.
7. Saola
The saola is a very shy creature living in the Vietnam and Laos forests. It looks a bit like an antelope with two straight horns.
Scientists didn’t even know this animal existed until 1992!
They think there might be only a few dozen saolas remaining because people have been cutting down the forests where they live.
With an estimated 10-14 million species on Earth, many of these listed rarest animals remain unknown. However, some animals have become extremely rare and endangered due to human activities.
Do you have an idea of another rare animal that should be included in the list?
Please let us know in the comments section.