Yahoo mail

How to Create Yahoo Mail Account in 5 Easy Steps

Setting up a Yahoo mail account is easy and you can use the email for different things. Today I will show you how to create Yahoo mail account in 5 easy steps.
Step 1 Go to

Step 2 Click Mail at the left-hand top of the page

Step 3 Click on create account 

Step 4: In other to create the account, you will need some basic information. Follow the directions and enter the required information.  

Guide to fill up the information 

•    First and Last name: Enter your first and last name (you can change this in the future) 

•    Choose a username (This must be unique as it will be used for the email) If it notifies that username has already been in use. Try another username.•    

Password: Confirm your password: yahoo passwords are required to be at least 8 characters. You should use a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and characters to have the safest password. It’s important to choose a very strong password to avoid hacking into your account.  

•    Mobile: Enter your phone number.  It will be used for verification and you can easily use it to restore password
•     Birthday: Enter your date of birth. Under the provisions of Yahoo, you must be 13 years old to create an account. 

•    Gender: Choose your gender (Male or female). Its optional 
Click on Continue to proceed

Step 5: Verification: A verification page will appear, choose an option and click on continue. Verify using your either a text or call . Key in the code and click on continue

Congratulate! You’ve successfully created yahoo account.Click continue to proceed to your inbox to send and receive mail. 

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