Fall In Love With Yourself

How To Fall In Love With Yourself ( 11 Ways)

Loving yourself is the best gift you can ever give yourself. When you fall in love with yourself, you take advantage of your self-worth and abilities.  

There is nothing wrong with admitting that most of us get so busy with our professional lives and loving others that we forget to love ourselves.  Always know that you cannot give what you don’t have. 

Lack of self-love is deeply associated with losing self-esteem and self-confidence. 

If you do not love yourself, it is easy to consider yourself a failure, which is detrimental to your mental health and entire life. 

On the other hand, once you start truly loving yourself, you become confident in your worth and skills. 

You start enjoying spending time alone and gain the confidence to get through any kind of difficulty in your life. 

Generally, society is responsible for creating this issue of lack of self-love in people. 

The emphasis is placed on romantic love and finding the right one, instead of becoming content with yourself.

However, everyone should realize that falling in love with yourself is essential to reach your full potential in life. 

If you are struggling to fall in love with yourself, this article is the best guide for you to start loving yourself by adopting the following 11 simple steps: 

11  Ways to Fall In Love With Yourself 

1. Make a list of all your Accomplishments

Fall In Love With Yourself

It is common for all of us to create a to-do list and the bucket list. While these lists are important in leading a well-organized life, you should also develop a list of your accomplishments and successes. 

Keep updating this list whenever you achieve anything in your life, whether it is big or small. It will serve as a reminder of how much you have achieved and how capable you are, which will give a boost to your self-confidence. Feeling good about yourself is the key to falling in love with yourself. 

The benefits of having a list: 

  • It will serve as a reminder of how far you have gone.
  • It will help you to admire and appreciate yourself 

2. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

The importance of stop comparing yourself with others cannot be understated. It is very common for all of us to fall into the comparison game at some point or another. 

They play a huge role in stealing your peace of mind and happiness. Also,  you get fixated on others’ beauty, lifestyle, and personality instead of focusing on your own life and improving it. 

Comparisons can make your mind full of self-doubts. Hence, you should try your best to avoid making comparisons and be proud of yourself in every phase of your life.

Furthermore, always remember that no two people are the same. 

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3.  Talk to Yourself How You Talk to People You Care About

Speak and behave with yourself with love, care, and kindness. People tend to overcomplicate things due to overthinking and being hard on themselves. However, you should treat yourself the way you would treat any other person you love and care about. 

Repeat the positive and uplifting things to yourself to remind you of your self-worth. In this way, you will be able to fall in love with yourself by being kind to yourself. 

4. Do Things That You Truly Love

It is easy for people to abandon the things that they genuinely love just for the sake of society and fulfill others’ expectations. Such kind of approach is bound to make you unhappy in the long run. 

You should always focus on the things that you love and enjoy and do them without any guilt or regret.

Moreover, it is also possible that you just don’t get enough time for recreational activities due to a hectic schedule. But you should always take out time for yourself because you will grow as a person and start to love yourself. 

Furthermore, writing, playing musical instruments, painting, gaming, gardening, reading, watching movies, or any other thing that makes you happy should be a vital part of your daily routine.

Growing up as a child, I have always love to sing, and that gives me joy. I love doing it because It gives me happiness. 

5. Keep Improving Yourself

All of us have some things that we don’t like about ourselves: it is okay to accept these things and try to remove them from our personality. 

Continuous improvement is a big part of feeling good about yourself. Whenever you realize that you don’t like something about yourself, you should make try to change it. 

If you cannot change something even after trying to, don’t worry. Instead, focus on accepting and loving yourself.

6. Celebrate Your Achievements (Big and Small) 

No matter what you achieve, big or small, you should use this opportunity to celebrate your hard work and feel good about yourself. 

It is easy for people to keep focusing on the future and the next big thing instead of enjoying the present moment.  This approach is very harmful to your self-worth and self-love. 

All of us need to take a step back occasionally and look at what we have accomplished so far. When you celebrate your achievements and look back at all your accomplishments, you will be happy. 

More so, you will realize that you have the skills and the confidence to get through anything, which will make you fall in love with yourself.

Every step of the way is worth celebrating!  

7. Take Yourself Out On Dates

While taking people out on a date is indeed fun and enjoyable, you should also indulge in pampering yourself. Self-care is an important part of loving yourself again because it teaches you to be kind to yourself and take care of your body, mind, and soul. 

The concept of self-dates might sound strange to some people, but they are essential to gain confidence and the ability to love yourself. Remember that pampering yourself is one of the best ways to show some love to yourself. 

There are uncountable ways through which you can spend some good time with yourself.  

What dates can you do by yourself: 

  • Go see a movie
  • Go to your favorite restaurants
  • Take a walk or hike
  • Going to the beach 
  • Go for a run 
  • Go to the gym/ exercise
  • Take a weekend getaway to your favorite place
  • Go to the spa
  • Give yourself an at-home spa day 
  • Get yourself a special gift 

Self-care also includes treating yourself whenever you achieve something, such as getting gifts for yourself.

8. Fall in Love With Yourself by Removing Self-Doubts 

It is easier said than done, but you must remove all the limiting beliefs and self-doubts you may have. 

You should never underestimate yourself because it creates a very negative space. Instead, focus on your past successes and believe in a better future. 

Even in your darkest times, do not tell yourself that you are a failure. Instead, think that you are a strong person who has gone through many different phases of life and believe in yourself.

With a better and positive mindset, you will surely experience a positive transformation in your life. 

When you have a clear goal and self-confidence, there is nothing in the world that can stop you from being successful, except your doubts.

Hence, remove self-doubts and start loving yourself to unleash your full potential. 

9. Think About What People Love About You

It is often very challenging for people to think good about themselves. Instead, they keep criticizing themselves and pointing out the bad qualities. Whenever you feel that way, you should see yourself through the eyes of a loved one. 

Think about your friends and family and what they love about you. It will immediately remind yourself about your positive characteristics, which will put you in a good mood and make you love yourself.

10. Adopt Positive Habits/Affirmation 

It is impossible to fall in yourself without taking good care of yourself. Instead of losing yourself in self-loathing and low self-esteem, invest your time in cultivating good habits that will help you lead a healthy, positive life. 

Such habits vary from person to person, depending on their personality and needs. 

Generally, mediating, spending some time in nature, eating a balanced diet, and exercising are good habits that help people feel good about themselves.

Some of my favorite affirmations:

  • I am strong 
  • I am smart
  • I can do it 
  • No impossibility 
  • I am bold and beautiful 

11. Focus on your Inner Voice

Our lives have become so fast-paced that most of us make the dangerous mistake of ignoring ourselves in the process. 

We keep listening to hundreds of people in our everyday lives and consuming news all the time via TV and social media. 

It has made us focused on everything in the world, except us. It is an adverse issue that needs to be addressed. 

Hence, people should take some time alone for themselves and listen to their hearts and mind.

One of the best ways to do that is writing. Writing allow people to note down all kinds of thoughts without the fear of being judged by anyone. 

You should use writing to say whatever is going through your mind. Analyze your thoughts and think about what you truly want; you’re your life. Ultimately, it will facilitate you in building a better relationship with yourself.


By following the steps discussed above, you can indeed fall in love with yourself again and become a more joyful and content person. 

Always remember that everyone in the world deserves to feel loved, beautiful, capable, and worthy. 

It’s your life, so live your best life by falling in love with yourself.

You do not have to look far for love, it within your reach. Just search your own heart and soul, and you will find kindness and by falling in love with yourself. This will make you attuned to your needs and allow you to live a more focused and balanced life.

Always remember, you are bold and beautify, unstoppable, capable of achieving your desires and you deserve the best in life. 

I hope you found these tips helpful. Let me know in the comment section how to fall in love with yourself. 

Do you struggle with self-worth? Feeling good about yourself will certainly help you to love yourself more Here are 11  Ways to Fall In Love With Yourself.

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